
Job Description of SEO Team Leader

Job Description of SEO Team Leader

Developing detailed project plans and monitor progress while delivering projects on time ensuring quality standards. Make decisions about the day-to-day operation of the team members, including management of work assignments by them. Primary point of contact for clients.

Preferred Qualifications

  • Define requirements, tasks, and resources associated to SEO strategy
  • Manage and execute implementation of SEO strategy
  • Communication to clients, team, and management on strategy/project development, timelines, and results
  • Collaborate on client strategy and goal definition for success
  • Contribution to the company blog and at least one social media community
  • Perform keyword research in coordination with client business objectives to optimize existing content and uncover new opportunities
  • Provide SEO analysis and recommendations in coordination with elements and structure of websites and web pages
  • Help to create and support marketing content to socialize and use for social media purposes (e.g. customer videos briefs, customer case studies, blog posts, posts from analysts and customers)
  • Develop and implement link building campaigns
  • Develop, manage and execute communication/content strategies via social communities in coordination with client goals
Job Type: Freelance Full Time Part Time
Job Location: Gurgaon

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